Teenagers play a very crucial role in nation building. Though it’s a clichéd claim, it still holds its essence for every economy as the future of a nation certainly lies in the hands of young minds.
As Carmen Martinez Alvin Toffler:
“The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they — at some distant point in the future — will take over the reins. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely… because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile.”
It would be more accurate to say that the young people working in conjunction with the government decide the fate of a nation and its coming generations. It is, therefore, important that the young voices become heard. It is essential that they get ample opportunities to display their talents and create value for the countries.
However, quite often we come across situations when despite having huge talent, young brilliants are not able to generate resources to flourish their abilities, which may be due to lack of financial resources or lack of required exposure.
Moreover, in absence of any collateral, it is highly unlikely that he/she will manage to get a loan from a bank or other similar institution. In such a way in case his/her parents/guardians do not or cannot support the young talent, it will not proliferate and will be simply lost.
Fortunately, we are living in a constantly evolving world, where we are continuously creating and improving solutions to the problems we face. One such solution is SelfSell, a platform which allows young people leverage their talent coping with above mentioned challenge in teenagers’ development.
On SelfSell one just needs to make potential investors believe in his/her talent and passion, together with the fact that in case they get the right sum, they will generate huge revenues. In case of success it will not just help to further develop their interests but also provide a great deal of so needed exposure.
In other words, SelfSell is a low-cost individual fund raising platform where one’s talent is the only king. Here young people enjoy more resources to usher in a more promising future in the starting phase of their lifetime having no need to give up on their ideals or take any disfavoured job, which do not count for anything more than merely subsidizing their families.
Meanwhile, platform’s standard token – SellSelf (SSC) – makes slightly more than $0,087 at press time according data from the CoinMarketCap.
The post SelfSell: Broadening the Horizons for Teenagers appeared first on CoinSpeaker.